Not performing a credit check is one of the most common mistakes first time home buyers make. Your credit score plays a very important role when buying a house, because it determines what loan you receive, and if you are even approved for a loan at all. The last thing you want is to find out that you have a low credit score while you’re sitting in a lender’s office, or after you’ve found the perfect home. There are several ways your credit score comes into play when buying a home, and several ways to improve your credit score if needed.
Winterization Tips to Save Energy and Time
The days are growing shorter and getting colder. Face it, winter is fast approaching. The harsh cold and wet of winter can wreck havoc on your home if you are not properly prepared. The autumn months provide a great time to winterize your home before Old Man Winter causes hundreds or thousands of dollars of damage to your home.
Here are some quick and easy tips to ensure winter does not suck the warmth from your home and the money from your bank account…