Happy Halloween from NextGen Realty!

Halloween is just a few days away and we are wishing you a safe and fun time with friends and family. Neighborhoods in metro Boston are preparing to be flooded with young trick-or-treaters and crowds dressed up for festivities. The Boston Centers for Youth & Families and the Boston Police Department have some tips about how you can stay safe over the weekend.

Here are some safety tips:


Costumes should be bright-colored or have reflective tape to highlight them.
All parts of the costume should be labeled flame-retardant.
The eye holes on masks should be large enough to see through clearly.
Keep costumes short to avoid getting caught under feet and causing slipping or falling.
Children should wear sturdy shoes and temperature appropriate clothing underneath their costumes.


Children should be accompanied by an adult. It’s best to take smaller children out earlier in the evening.
If older children are going out unaccompanied, go over the ground rules first!
They should travel in a group, and an adult should know which neighborhoods they will be in.
Carry a flash light or glow stick to increase visibility to drivers.
Only trick-or-treat in familiar areas that are well lit. Only approach houses where the outside lights are on as a signal of welcome.

Pedestrian Safety

Cross streets at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
Always walk, don’t run, when crossing streets.
Make eye contact with drivers and watch for cars that are turning or backing up.

Checking Treats

Throw out anything that appears tampered with, such as home-made foods or home-packaged foods, unless you are certain of the source.
Inspect fruit closely and take away treats that are not age-appropriate. Young children may choke on items like hard candy or peanuts.

Tips for Drivers

Be especially alert. Remember that popular trick-or-treating hours are during the typical rush-hour period.
Drive more slowly and anticipate heavier than usual pedestrian traffic.
Be sure to drive with your full headlights on so you can spot children from greater distances

Here are some great events for kids and families happening throughout the City of Boston and beyond:

Halloween Storytime with Curious George!
When: Friday, October 31, 2014 at 9:00am to 12:00pm
Where: The World’s Only Curious George Store 1 JFK. St., Cambridge 02138
Cost: Free
Website: https://thecuriousgeorgestore.com
Ages: 2-6

Boston Public Library Events

Boo Bash
Dress up and trick-or-treat at the Strand Theatres annual Boo Bash, featuring a haunted house, freaky flicks, pumpkins, candy, prizes, and more.
Oct 31, 1-4pm.
Strand Theatre, Dorchester, MA
Read More

Salem Haunted Happenings
America’s most exciting Halloween Festival in Salem.
A month of fun for the whole family!

Halloween Fun for the mature crowd:

BostInno lists 45 Halloween Parties, Parades, Pub Crawls & More Happening in Boston

Happy Halloween Boston

Remember, if you are looking for your next home, find it without the nightmare! Call our office today at (617) 208 2121.